Beaches of Paradise
Posted by: AamirSep 12th, 2006 • Category: Eye Candy • Tags: beaches, hawaii, travel •
Hawaii (also known as the Aloha State) is atleast 2000 miles away from anywhere and is considered a paradise known for its crystal clear, blue pristine clean beaches and tropical weather. Hawaii consists of 6 islands; Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Lanai, Molokai and the big island of Hawaii. Our trip this time was to the islands of Oahu and Maui.
This is Hanauma Bay (in Oahu), one of the best protected coves with a diverse population of marine life and a large, rich coral reef. The bay floor is actually the crater of an ancient volcano that flooded when the exterior wall collapsed and the ocean rushed in to form what is one of the best snorkeling and scuba diving spots in Hawaii.
It is a large sandy beach perfect for sunbathing and swimming. Several hiking trails extend along the coastline and the ridge providing breathtaking scenic lookouts. This is where you don’t really have to snorkel in order to see the marine life. All you have to do is to stand still in the water and the fishes will swim around your feet. Amazing, isn’t it?
The curvature of the bay usually provides protection from large ocean waves and allows swimmers a terrific opportunity to view the marine and reef life in a safer, protected environment.
This is not a beach park for beach sports, rather this bay is a Marine Life Conservation area, so you need to follow some rules. The following are not allowed; pets, alcohol, fishing, feeding the fish, harassing or harming the marine life, stepping, removing or walking on the coral. The black patches you see in the middle of the blue waters are live coral reef.
Hanauma bay is approx. 10 miles south-east from the Waikiki beach in Honolulu. In order to make the most out of it, you need to get there early in the morning. The parking lot gets full by 10 a.m and cars are not allowed in till people start leaving.
Hawaii is famous for its black sand beaches. These black sand beaches were formed when lava flowed and fountained into the sea, shattering on contact with the ocean. Fragments smashed against each other to form the black sand beach. What you see below is not a black sand beach, but contains traces of the black sand.
Maybe Rome wasn’t built in a day, but the black sand beaches in Hawaii may have been, because these type of beaches are formed in days or weeks. (I am not talking about the Hanauma bay). The geography of Hawaii changes rapidly due to the unpredictable volcanic activity and the ravaging ocean. If that happens when you are around, you may want to run as fast as you can. The ocean is known to change the geography of these islands and will write your history too if you are not careful in the waters.
Follow this simple rule when in Hawaii waters. Never turn your back to the ocean. You never know how hard the next wave will hit you. Unless you are out for surfing, avoid the waters when the sea is rough, especially during full moon when the tide is high. The ocean is unpredictable and has been known to wash people away. Avoid walking on the rocky ledges where waves are breaking, they can be very dangerous. Rocks become slippery and are sharp, abrasive lava stone. Lava is very porous and it crumbles easily. Don’t ever go into the wet rocky zone.
First time visitors to Hanauma Bay have to watch a mandatory 15 minute video before entering. This video tells how this place was formed and how it is being protected and preserved and the do’s and dont’s while you are here.
Entrance fee is $5 per person and $1 per car. You have to walk down a steep slope for approx. 10 mins before you hit the sand. If you can’t walk or are tired, there is a tram service that can take you up and down for as many times the whole day for as cheap as $2. Snorkel gear can be rented right on the bay for a very cheap price.
Coconut trees are very common here. You can see them all over the place providing shade and coconuts which the locals and tourists enjoy.
This is the view from our hotel room. 🙂 For your information, We stayed at the Hawaii Prince Hotel in Waikiki and were lucky to get an ocean front room overlooking the blue and green expanse of the pacific ocean. We got to see some very rare and wonderful sights right from our hotel room. Watch out for the later posts and you will see what i mean.

Posted by: Aamir
Sep 12th, 2006 • Category: Eye Candy • Tags: beaches, hawaii, travel
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September 12th, 2006 at 12:45:
Ari: I just loved the black sand beach picture.
You have given a good tourist info’ by the way.
Hope you had a wonderful time.
September 12th, 2006 at 14:34:
Such wonderful and gorgeous pictures!
Loved it!
Thank you!
Take care!
September 12th, 2006 at 14:39:
I have never seen emerald green Aamir, Nowhere in India you get such colours. I heard Lakshadeep is pretty good, never been there. I am scared actually, Beaches means money, food and stay is frightfully steep. You know that I am broke always. Please give my love to Sl and Sr.
September 12th, 2006 at 14:40:
Came home this morning Aamir
September 12th, 2006 at 20:01:
I had to come here to leave a comment in response to yours at my blog!
Thanks so much for letting me know you can leave me a comment… but, I cannot leave a reply to it on my
I am kind of mad!
I hope it is fixable!
You did make my day with all your
sweet words!
Thanks Ari!
You are a good, and caring friend!
As, I have felt like crying all the time I have been trying to fix this stupid blogger problem.
I probably made it worse!
I see there is some big red rectangle at my profile pic too!
where that came from i have no idea!
Take care!
September 12th, 2006 at 20:54:
Thanks Ari!
I tried that, and republished it!
Made no difference!
My dashboard is messed up too!
Oh.. it’s my day off…
I need to go for a walk!
Then I will feel better!
Take care!
I do appreciate your help!
Big SMILES to you!
September 12th, 2006 at 21:10:
OMG these pictures are EXTREMELY AMAZING!!!! Beautiful work!!! WOW, AWESOME POST!!! :o) I love your profile image as well! Thank you so much for stopping by, I’m very glad you enjoy my work. Yes, I do sell my work as well. Thank you again! :o)
September 12th, 2006 at 23:03:
What a beautiful place! You found some great images there.
September 13th, 2006 at 04:46:
lovely pics. lovely place.
September 13th, 2006 at 11:27:
Great pics…waiting for more…nice travelogue ari
September 13th, 2006 at 15:08:
Thanks for sharing those beautiful pics. I have never benn to Hawaii:( But just took a nice trip with you.
September 14th, 2006 at 01:29:
wow! beautiful colors in the ocean. I’ve never been to Hawaii. thanks for taking me there through your photos. beautiful!
September 14th, 2006 at 13:54:
beautiful pics,Ari..loved all of them,..
glad u had a plesant trip..
September 14th, 2006 at 18:11:
Gorgeous photos! The photo of the coral reef is amazing! The ocean is so clear and blue! It also looks like the beach isn’t too populated, which is nice.
Look forward to seeing more pics Ari. Glad you had a wonderful time!
Take care,
September 14th, 2006 at 22:23:
They are all stunning! I can’t pick a favourite though I may be partial to the Hanauma Bay shots :).
September 15th, 2006 at 02:41:
September 15th, 2006 at 02:51:
I like isolated beaches…these pics r just awesome!
I love treading on the white sand and how it feels under my feet…that is heaven to me.
September 15th, 2006 at 02:58:
Wow, beautiful photos! Is there really such a place??? I’m afraid that if I go there, I’ll never leave again!
September 15th, 2006 at 08:13:
Feels like I just had a sea dip!
September 15th, 2006 at 08:22:
Great looking place! Looks like paradise!
September 17th, 2006 at 15:44:
Gorgeous gorgeous pics, bro ! you are getting better with the camera, for sure ! 🙂 *hugs* loved the blue and green hues. Now i so wana go to Hawaii ! 🙁 Great info, will keep that in mind, if i ever get to go there !! i hope you guys had awesome fun *hugs*
September 19th, 2006 at 01:04:
I stop by daily to see if you have posted any of your new “works of art” Normally I am partial to black and whites but you are an exception! Your shots are truly beautiful the color and clarity is breathtaking. I love how you take the time to explain in a literal sese as well. great !(I WOULD LOVE TO BE THERE! LOOKS LIKE PARADISE)
October 8th, 2006 at 20:15:
Ari, thanks so much for providing all the information! I thoroughly enjoyed reading how Hanauma Bay’s floor was created and everthing else you wrote along with the incredible pictures! An especially great post for those wanting to visit the Hawaiian islands soon or in the future! Oh, and I also enjoyed seeing the photo of an actual black sand beach from the link you gave above in the comments.
November 10th, 2006 at 00:25:
that’s realy an incredible professional blog with so much beauty…….and I like so much perrots!